Flipping the Lens

We all get caught in the cycle. We finish the assignment, read the chapters, send the emails, write the paper, study for the exam, set the alarm, wake up and repeat. The monotony of daily tasks is endless. We do what we have to do because we have to do it. We’re motivated by the appraisal of a professor, a coach, a parent or a peer. We stay up all nights studying because we want a good grade. We work our asses off and cram our schedules because we crave a successful future. We’re driven by an outcome that’s often years away. Our lives are cluttered with demands, obligations and high standards to fulfill. We see the world through an extrinsic lens and it needs to be flipped.

A few days ago, I was sitting in the library typing a paper, when I realized this about myself. I’m constantly competing, comparing and focusing on aspects of my life I can’t control. I’m motivated by the external. My lens points out at the world and I’m quickly losing sight of myself. I was mindlessly rushing to complete a paper I would’ve normally enjoyed writing and found fascinating, just to get a sufficient grade and move on to my next task. I want the good grade. I want the successful future. I want the approval of my parents, friends, teammates and professors. I want to be the best… But why?

When I flip the lens inward and focus on the intrinsic motivations that inspire me and make me happy, I don’t feel the pressures of outside expectations. I’m able to slow down and type a well-written, thoughtful paper because I’m attentive to the task at hand. I’m focused on the one aspect of my life I can control; this very moment.

When we rid our minds of the clutter and simply focus on being the best person, student, athlete, photographer, etc. we can be right now, the rest will fall into place. Because let’s be honest, some people will never like you no matter what you do or how hard you work, and sometimes, the amazing job you were hoping for doesn’t pan out. But when you do everything in life with genuine passion and mindfulness, you can’t fail. No letter grade will deter you. No insult can break you. Your motivation and approval comes from the only person who truly matters; yourself.


  1. Very artsy, very positive, very wise. Keep doing your thang Jackie Shan.


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