"Success Favors the Bold"

If there’s one thing I’m guilty of in life it’s being a people pleaser. I live for the approval of others and I hate it about myself. I’ve always wanted to be one of those badass girls who says whatever she’s thinking, wears edgy clothes and dyes her hair purple for the heck of it, but unfortunately, I care. I want people to like and accept me, especially when it comes to social media.

In “The Art of Social Media” by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick it’s very clear that being a people pleaser isn’t going to work. Kawasaki states, “…if you’re not pissing people off on social media, you’re not using it right.” In other words, don’t be afraid to take a firm stance on controversial issues even if it means losing a couple followers. Being bold is a characteristic that will almost always play in your favor. This is an important lesson to learn not only for your social media presence but also for life. I’m not necessarily saying that you should go dye you hair purple or a pick a fight with anyone who disagrees with you. Simply have opinions on popular topics and be willing to step outside of your comfort zone to express them. Because let’s be honest, no one likes a ‘yes man.’


  1. I found that piece of advice in the book to be very helpful as well! I know that most of my life I was a people pleaser as well. All I wanted was to fit in, especially in early high school. My senior year, however, I sort of just gave up on all of that, and decided to be my own person regardless of what others think. I now feel so much more free and my self-esteem is much higher! I hope that someday you feel this way as well. Maybe we can both find a way to implement that feeling into our social media platforms!

  2. I totally see where you are coming from, since we all want as much ''likes'' as possible on social media. And before someone likes your post, they actually have to like it first. I don't know if I agree with “…if you’re not pissing people off on social media, you’re not using it right.”, but with the words you put it in I totally do. I think having a firm stance doesn't always mean you will piss off people, but it might cause response. But you should definitely have one :)


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