It's a Girl's World, Men are just Living in it

I think it’s safe to say that women make this world go around. We statistically live longer than men, are more capable of multitasking and according to recent studies by IQ expert James Flynn, women are now smarter than men. I hate to succumb to traditional stereotypes, but if women weren’t around, the world may turn into a smelly, unorganized, ramen noodle eating and beer drinking disaster. We generally provide balance and stability. We’re intelligent, we’re strong and we’re every bit as capable as our male counterparts. Oh, and before I forget, we’re beautiful too.  

With the consistent rise of social media in today’s society, it’s only fair that women have a platform geared towards their specific interests. Pinterest is the answer. In the “Social Media Marketing Workbook” author Jason McDonald explains that Pinterest focuses on three intertwined segments, which include consumer retail, do-it-yourself (DIY) and women. With outfit ideas, recipes, quotes, crafts, room decor, fitness, photography, hair, diet and so much more, Pinterest is truly “a girl’s world.” The concept of visual bookmarking, or pinning, allows consumers to view and save products efficiently, making it an ideal shopping and marketing tool. As a shoe company, you want your new, fall boot pinned on someone’s “fall outfits” board. If you design tapestries, having your work pinned on someone’s “college dorm room” board, is always a plus. It promotes and expands the outreach of the product.

Pinterest is a great tool that benefits companies, consumers and most commonly, women. In the midst of our busy lives, helpful apps can make our jobs as “superwomen” a little easier. Even Beyoncé said it herself, “Who runs the world? Girls!”


  1. I really love this post Shannon! You make such a valid point. All of my girlfriends are on Pinterest, and it's so helpful for us to send each other pins which we think the other will like or be helpful. Pinterest is a fun platform, and girls really run the content on it!


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