20 Things that Probably Happened Over Thanksgiving Break

  1. “How is school?”
  2. Sleeping in
  3. Over eating (and I’m not just referring to Thanksgiving Day)
  4. Repeating yourself to deafly grandparents
  5. “Do you have a boyfriend yet?”
  6. Watching Christmas movies
  7. Attempting to work out
  8. Eating leftovers every meal for the next four days after Thanksgiving
  9. Cheek kisses
  10. Football, football and more football
  11. “You’re always on your damn phone”
  12. Getting dressed up to stay home
  13. Informing parents on new pop-culture (Snapchat filters are my personal favorite)
  14. Scrolling through countless “thankful” photos on social media
  15. Being forced to dry dishes
  16. Eating that one dessert you look forward to every holiday
  17. Awkward hugs
  18. Laughing uncontrollably
  19. Food comma
  20. Realizing amid the chaos that you’re truly blessed


  1. Like the "Forced to dry the dishes " best!

  2. You forgot: Power shopping on the Friday after Thanksgiving and coming home with great purchases for you!

  3. I laughed when I read this list because it is definitely true. College students returning home for breaks are always faced with the things on this list. You made it very relatable! Great job!


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